Business development professionals


The BD Consultancy is a team made up of marketing and business development professionals who are based in London and Bristol. Their goal is to make businesses more profitable. They offer a variety of services, including staff training, business development health checks, and interim support.

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The Challenge of Minimizing Administration

The BD Consultancy has a smaller staff. With less than ten employees, they initially believed that employee benefits would prove too costly and difficult to administer. Multiple benefits offered by multiple benefit partners would have added stress on the administrative team.

Bravo Benefits was the first company they contacted. They were interested in our digital platform that would bring all of their benefits to a single, easy-to-use workspace. The BD Consultancy wanted to provide a bespoke package that was tailored for their small team.

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Bravo Benefits: How they Respond

  • Digital products that remove admin

Smart Hive was The BD Consultancy’s perfect solution. Users can access all of their benefits from one location, eliminating the need to keep track of multiple accounts, logins, and passwords. Users can manage their benefits themselves, without the assistance of an internal team. This would be a great solution for The BD Consultancy as no one from their team would need to manage their benefits. This would allow their small team to concentrate on what matters to them, which is helping other businesses grow.

Smart Hive is a container that holds all your benefits. Each user receives a unique login that launches a dashboard showing all their benefits. Clicking on any tile will take the user to a page explaining the benefit’s purpose, and how to use it. The platform connects the user directly to the right benefit partner. This allows them to access their benefit without the need to have internal administrators manage it for them.

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Smart Hive also offers a function that allows users directly to ask for help from Bravo Benefits. This reduces the need to have internal administrators act as intermediaries in the event of a technical issue.

Each team member has access to their benefits whenever and wherever they like, which allows for maximum flexibility and convenience. Small companies don’t need an internal administrative team to serve as intermediaries, which reduces the workload.

Smart Hive was a great solution for the small company that only had a few administrative staff members.

During the initial discovery consultation, Cycle to Work was specifically mentioned by The BD Consultancy. They knew they wanted to provide a range of benefits to their team that would support their health and well-being, but they weren’t sure what benefits they could offer.

Our team was able to recommend several of our products such as the Everyday Health Cash Plan and Employee Assistance Programme, MyMindPal as well as Financial Wellbeing Support and Gym and Discount Schemes.

Employee benefits were created to address two major aspects of employee health, financial and mental.

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  • Financial wellbeing benefits

People’s well-being can be affected by financial difficulties. The Everyday Health Cash Plan helps employees to spread the cost of healthcare not covered by the NHS. Scheme users can get discounts on services like dental and optician visits. As a way to help staff with cash flow management, we recommend the Financial Wellbeing support program. This includes financial education, debt advice, and lending.

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  • Mental wellbeing benefits
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We recommended that The BD Consultancy add MyMindPal and The Employee Assistance Programme (EAP). This will help their employees’ mental well-being. MyMindPal is a program that helps employees to develop mental resilience. It offers a series training exercises that help them manage stress and keep a healthy work/life balance. This program can help prevent mental illness. Employees have access to thousands of resources about mental health. They can also get online and face-to–face counselling if they need it. The two products can be combined to offer a complete package of mental support.

  • Rewards that motivate and reward

The BD Consultancy offered benefits to help their employees’ financial, physical and mental well-being. They also wanted to reward those who worked hard for the company’s goal to grow businesses. As a way to recognise the hard work of their colleagues, they included the Gym and Retail Discount Schemes.